Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Got Cute?

We do!
dog 2 (1 of 1)

We've got all kinds of cute going on around these parts!
Dixie (1 of 18)

Meet Dixie.
Dixie (7 of 18)

She's like a walking piece of chocolatey deliciousness.
Dixie (3 of 18)

Eye Candy!
Dixie (2 of 18)

The pets with senority are taking her in stride.
Dixie (5 of 18)

She deeply appreciates our propensity for large sinks.
Dixie (10 of 18)

And the humans in the family are smitten.
Dixie (12 of 18)

Because what human wouldn't be smitten with a face like this?!
Dixie (13 of 18)

That and the fact that she has a new, soft, fleecy bed.
Dixie (14 of 18)

What small human wouldn't be smitten with that?!
Dixie (15 of 18)

At this point Dixie hadn't mistaken S-girl's foot for a chew toy so all was well with the world.
Dixie (16 of 18)

Speaking of smitten....the elders in the family are slightly less smitten.
Or better yet...annoyed.
Because when you are 98 dog years old...the patience wanes.Dixie (18 of 18)

But we are hoping that Dixie will bring a little "spark" to Jake's final days.
And possibly lengthen them?
A family can hope, right?
Dixie (17 of 18)

The Elmo chair is a hit, as per usual.
I spy with my little eye a pair of S-girl's underwear tucked away for a little "snack" after a long winter's nap.

Where's Waldo?
Stop!  I can't take any more cute.  It's much too much!!

Dixie (6 of 18)
And all of this has got me wondering.... why we didn't purchase one of these years ago.

Think of all of the toilet fiascoes that could have been avoided!
Dixie isn't thrilled.
But my children?
Well, they've spent the better part of the day chillin' in the crate.
Who knew sitting in a cage would be so entertaining?
Hmmm...maybe we are on to something here!

The title of my new book will be as follows:

Crate Training Your Children-What Took Us So long?


Anonymous said...

Such a sweet lab! So gorgeous!

And I too have pictures of my kids in dog crates. I have no idea why kids love them so much?!

Unknown said...

Julie this has got to be one of my all time favorite blogs to just linger and enjoy. Hope you don't mind but I want to share this with others on my blog so they can have an awwwwwww moment too. Thanks & I will surely let my daughter know about the cage idea for my two grandsons.

Lyndylou said...

Odie sent me over and he was right..............aaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww how cute!!!

Jami said...

That is a ridiculous amount of cute!!! I want one :)

Tracy said...

ok, 1st your post should be titled "Got Adorable?" Next, I was enjoying the post and the awesome pics and then I got to the end with babes in crate and literally had to hold in the laughter as to not wake the kids. I LOVE IT!!!! Smiles coming your way!!

Lula Lola said...

Julie! You have an overdose of cute! I want her! Our Jake(black lab) is about 5 and he could use a buddy.
And the crate training of kids, why didn't I think of that?
You're brilliant I tell you!
Do you still have the duck? How does it feel about Dixie?

Melis said...


My husband hates you because you single-handedly make his arguments against ducks and dogs IMPOSSIBLE for him to win.

I. Am. In. Love. With. Your. Puppy.

Brooke said...

Hahaha!! You are SO funny! And Dixie, Oh my!! She could not be more precious!!!

Southhamsdarling said...

Hi there. Odie from The Simple Life sent me over for an Aaaaaaaw moment, and he was absolutely right. How cute is Dixie. I have never seen such a cute puppy, and I WANT him!!! Super pics, and I really enjoyed seeing them.

Eileen said...

That has got to be the most adorable puppy ever! We also have an ancient lab and Lyle really misses having a running buddy--Charlie would go in a heartbeat, but he's got ACL issues.

We'd absolutely get another lab. Especially if I came across one that cute!!!!

Love Letters To China said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you for the cuteness!!! What a sweet little pup you have on your hands. I will not be showing my hubby these pics. He would swoon over that little cutie of yours. I'm not ready for the kind of responsibility yet. ;-)

Actually love the idea of a crate...do they make them big enough for one of the big kids in the house?

Happy Wednesday to you!

Stacey said...

That is a yummy puppy! If I weren't a horrible dog owner, I'd want to run out and buy one of our own! The family does look pretty smitten! Too cute!

Carrie said...

Once again, thank you, Miss Julie, for the laugh!! ;)

Dixie is adorable!!!

Tara said...

Oh my goodness!!! What a love...so so so adorable!!! Puppies are the best. Have fun!

Jane said...

he's adorable!

TheFitHousewife said...

Oh my goodness.....Dixie is the cutest puppy ever! EVER! Adorable. And I agree, crate training, what were we waiting for?!! Enjoy your new puppy!

Amy J said...

Wow, what a great idea! What do you think they'd say if I went to buy a crate, and when they asked me, "Well, how big is your dog?" I said, "Well...it's not for a dog, exactly..."

Teresa said...

totally adorable! puppy and kiddos!

Brianne said...

Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! Cute?! CUTE?! Cute is an understatement. I LURVE me some chocolate labs. And puppies??? Doesn't get much better than that! ^_^ Ahh, too, too adorable. I now want to go cry and beg for a puppy from the hubby. :( Not until the baby is at least 2, then maybe I can talk him into it. ;)

Cat said...

that puppy is precious! I love little puppy sleep. :) Also, wanted to let you know that all my blog posts have been imported into my new blog design and it's a different URL. If you still want to follow, may want to update and follow me at my new address:

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness. She is soooo precious. I want a puppy so badly, but it would be hard right now. I will live through your photos. I have a dog named Dixie too. :)

Liz said...

I let out an audible Ooooooh!

She is a DOLL!

You know I have a soft spot for chocolate pups!

Has she gotten peed on yet by your older pup?

Unknown said...

aww...what a sweet baby! Our kids loved the crate too.

Rachel said...

ACK! Your puppy slays me!

How adorable! My parents have 2 chocolate lab brothers and I took many of those same pictures... and sigh every time I look at them too :)


Leanne said...

Awe!!! Seriously seriously seriously adorable. So chocolatey good ... I could eat her uP! Congrats and Enjoy!!! (Oh, those eyes ... they're killing me!)

sheilars said...

please please write that book!!! I'd read it :)

Hannah said...

That is one SUPER cute puppy! I love the shots of super cute puppy chewing on the steps :)

Can we borrow that crate??

ellieshine said...

oh mannnnnnnnnnnnnnn - i want one :( we left our black in australia when we moved (long story with a $4000 price tag) anyway your Dixie truly is like a walking piece of chocolatey deliciousness!!! enjoy her - well you obviously all are :)

xo ellie
ps your Jake is soooooo sweet looking!

The Iowa Farmer's Wife said...

AAhh!! she is sooooooooo sweet! LOVE her! She is just one little ball of adorableness! And what a hilarious pic of the kiddos in the cage! Teehee!

Anonymous said...

ok i am officially in love with her! Is it possible to have a soul mate in a dog? because i am smitten with that sweet, little lady!

Seizing My Day said...

I can't handle the cuteness!! LOVE at first sight!! as I am trying so hard to regain my composure from a puddle MERLIN is all over the house with laundry (undies) and plastic bags... and trying to eat my pillow... Said dog has had too much crate time today!! Love Love Love your new baby!! my sister bought a "dixie" just a month or two before she had to put her senior lab to rest... it was much easier on all the souls involved!!! Much!! =) Dang... I am a puddle again!! =) The dog crate was huge for our littles too... My son kept asking if he could use his savings account to buy a dog igloo... for HIMSELF!! =) you know the big white dome ones with the tunnel entryway?!~! ha ha!! I hope Dixie learns her manners better than Merlin seems to have... he is such a stinker!! always mischievousness in this house 18 months later... =) *sigh*


Courtney said...

Oh my goodness! Chocolatey preciousness! Jake made my heart hurt. :(

And that last picture.... Right?! Why didn't I think of this???

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

How cute can a puppy be!! Love the photos, they make me smile

Anonymous said...

awwww your puppy is so little! a lot smaller than ar fat horse her name is nyla shes a yellow lab like dixie did he/she die?! :( if so im srry for ur loss :(

Tanya said...


Sonora said...

Oh my gosh. I would be in love too! What a gorgeous puppy! The kids in a crate thing is hilarious. You know, if you would have bought that crate for the purpose of them playing in it, they wouldn't have played in it at all.
I have been MIA in blog land so I have much catching up to do. I've missed your blog!

He & Me + 3 said...

She is the most beautiful doggie ever. What a dolly. we have that same doggie bed I think :)
She is gorgeous and so the doggie we always wanted. Wanna share some of that chocolatey goodness over here. Adorable.
Enjoy your new puppy love.

Seizing My Day said...

How is the land of puppy?? =)

Shannon K. said...

Oh Julie! I'd be the first to buy that book. That, as usual is HILARIOUS.

I don't know how you keep getting funnier. But you do.

Mama Teaching 3 said...

The puppy is amazing! And yes...she will prolong the older dogs life. :) It worked here!

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