Mom n' Me Monday was created in an attempt to make myself get in the picture with my kiddos. When my kids are grown, I don't want to look through my photos only to find that I am not in any of them! So, I'm on a mission to "capture" these memories.
This is my mom.
I love her.
And this post was going to be all about her!
I had great aspirations to dig out some old pictures of us and share them.
I hoped to share a spattering of memories.
I wanted to tell you what an amazing woman she is.
It seems my plans for a poignant post were once again stifled.
Instead, I spent the evening in the emergency room with J-boy.
Seems he had a bit of an impaction.....of the fecal variety.
We had reached home sweet home after an all night, 19 hour drive.
Most of which, J-boy writhed in pain.
By last evening it was apparent that the pain was increasing and things weren't getting any better.
I don't know...the screaming might have had something to do with it!
So, I had the pleasure of hanging out at the emergency room from 6:00 p.m. until 11:00 p.m.
An ultrasound and an X-ray revealed an impacted load of "you know what" with a massive gas bubble trapped in between.
This, in turn, caused J-boy's bladder to be blocked and unable to empty.
He was a mess.
We are talking howling, sobbing, and writhing.
And can you guess who was there with me?
My mom!
As per usual.
She is always there.
In my sleep deprived state, I was having difficulty knowing whether to sob or to laugh hysterically at J-boy's antics.
While I know he was in a lot of pain...the DRAMA level was at an all time high.
When I needed a moment to turn away and re-compose..my mom would pick up right where I left off.
She cheered with us as J-boy described the enema he received and the massive "download of software" that came thereafter.
Her relief matched my own to see our little J-boy pain free and returning to his kind, sweet self.
So, while this was meant to be a tribute to my mom...life happened.
And, as usual, she was there.
Doing what she does best, serving her children and loving us well.
If I wasn't so exhausted and spent right now..I would RISE UP and call her blessed.
I'm sure she won't mind if I remain seated.
As Proverbs 31:29 so eloquently states,
“There are many virtuous and capable women in the world,
but you surpass them all!”
Thank you, Mom.
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OK, that may be the best mom tribute ever! HA!! Oh poor J-Boy! That is rough!
Your mom is beautiful!
I just can't believe all the "adventures" that happen to you, Julie!! Why didn't you start a blog sooner?!?!
We've just had a weekend full of the stomach bug ... I thought about you! But now you've gone and raised the bar!! He, he!
Aw, I love it! You and your mom together :)
Poor guy! That sound so awful. I'm glad you were able to figure out what was wrong and get him better.
That is such a lovely picture of you and your mom. How wonderful that she could be there for you. This may not have been the tribute you planned, but I think it was a wonderful tribute anyway. I'm glad you guys are home safe!
oh my goodness! What a night! I am so glad all is relieved! Thank goodness for moms!
What would we do without our moms!? You two are both so beautiful! What a great post.
Poor little guy!! G.I, problems are the worst! I'm so glad to hear he's on the mend. And your mom is super awesome to be there with you.
Lots of good and bad excitement over there lately, huh??! Moms rock! "...life happened. And she was there." I love that :)
What a beautiful picture of you and your mom!! So wonderful that she is so close and willing to be there in "those" moments!! Sorry you spent some of your Mothers Day weekend... doing what us moms do .. oh my!! the stories we collect!! =)
I think you ended up with a beautiful post about your mom anyway. You really are so lucky to have her close.
Thank you for your sweet comment...and for being #100 :D I just followed you and evened you out to 155 :D
I spent almost three hours in the doctor's office last Wednesday b/c my oldest was "full of it." I asked the doctor if that was an official medical term:)!!
Poor boys!
Wow! What a night! I've had {several}... of those nights. Ugh.... Nights like those are ones I long for my mom to come and help out.
On another note... I've been dealing with the same kinda "blockage" with baby Ella TODAY! It's been painful... but I don't think we're ER bound yet. :) I'm hoping she'll work IT out.
!Happy Mother's Day!
So glad to hear he is feeling better! Aren't mom's the best. They are always there for us when we need them the most!
What a gorgeous picture of the 2 of you.
Is L-boy feeling better?
It sound like you have a wonderful Mom in deed and you are very lucky to have her close by! Great picture of the two of you! I was happy to finally be able to participate in your challenge!
So sorry to hear about your son's ER visit right before Mother's Day. I can only imagine how exhausted and tiring your day was. So thankful your mom was right there with you! Hope you are able to get some much-needed rest. You are a great mom!
This is SUCH a sweet tribute to your mom! She sounds like a great lady!!! :)
Gosh what a night! I'm glad he's gotten some relief. I know you're exhausted! How wonderful to have your mom there to share some of the load. What a gift!
Hope good healthy just chases y'all down and tackles you!
That sounds awful! Poor J Boy and everyone else too! When our oldest was only about 9 months old, he had a similar problem and when he finally (with lots of grunting and facial redness) got things done, his 3 year-old cousin watched over us as we changed his diaper. With awe in her voice she said, "Wow! Dat one big stinky dink!"
We still quote her to this day.
Oh, I PRAY my children remember me this way.
AWWWW-LOVE this photo of you two, beautiful. BUT poor J-Boy...we know all about this stuff. Mitochondrial Disease and constipation go hand-in-hand. Jack lives on Miralax, or he ends up in the ER throwing up bile, its bad and so painful. Give J-Boy some extra hugs for me, poor kiddo.
Heidi & Jack.
Enjoyed catching up on your AZ trip, sounds quite eventful! I think "Life is what happens when we are making other plans" fits your trip well!:) We have visited a hospital in every state and country we have been to with our oldest, it is kind of a joke now in our family.
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