Tuesday, April 20, 2010

You want honest?

10 Honest things about me.
Officially my first “word filled” post.

Rebecca, a sweet soul over at Reflection Space gifted me with an honest blog award. Cool, I thought…I love being honest! Then I read further and saw that I had to write 10 honest things about myself. Well, you see, I have no problem writing honest things about my poor innocent family members…but about me?? You mean you want me to actually talk about myself? Well now, that’s a whole different story. Remember Toby Keith’s song…I want to talk about me, wanna talk about I, want to talk about number one, oh me, oh my….nope, can’t relate! So here is my attempt to talk about ME.

1. I drank two iced vanilla whole milk lattes from Starbucks today. And I’m allergic to milk. Does that tell you something about my decision making abilities?

2. I love music…I love how a song can take me back to a specific moment in time in an instant. I love worship music. I’m always amazed how when I turn my thoughts away from my circumstances and towards God, He changes my attitude immediately.
Here is a little known fact. I'm a big Elton John fan. I have been since the third grade. What is it about his songs? I don’t know but they get me every time. I mean, who else sings lyrics like,
“And all I ever needed was the one
Like freedom fields where wild horses run
When stars collide like you and I
No shadows block the sun
You’re all I’ve ever needed
Baby you’re the one”
I remember belting this song out to D-man when we were dating, interpretive dance and all. I had an especially great move for the “no shadow block the sun” part. I’m sure at that instant he was re-thinking whether or not I was the one!
And don’t even get me started on Sad Songs Say So Much. If you don’t know it, go listen to it now. It will make you smile. And yes, these are oldies..but I’m older..so I don’t care!

3. I really have the desire to simplify our life. Moving out to the country has helped. Since we are practically in the boon docks it isn’t as tempting to just get up and go shopping. I use to do all sorts of errands just to “get out” and in turn, came home with a lot of little things we probably didn’t need. It truly is my heart to teach a more contented life to my children. One in which our primary focus is the needs of others! I want to embrace the phrase, “Live simply, so others may simply live.” We still have a long way to go in this area . But I pray that we will be obedient to what God calls us to in it.

4. I think I watched the very first reality T.V. show ever created. It was on PBS. It was about a farming family, struggling to make it in the farming business. It was called The Farmer's Wife. It is probably one of the only truly unscripted reality T.V. shows ever made. And you could tell. There was never anything interesting that happened. No contrived drama.  Just the day to day conversations and activities of a poor farming family. It completely drew me in. This little family had me at “hello". D-man literally wanted to rip his eyes out when he watched it. He couldn’t believe that I could actually sit there and be interested. But, oh I was. I thought about that poor family for many months after. In fact, I wonder if I could write them a letter?

5. I absolutely love my parents, my in-laws included. I don’t know what I would do without them. They have been such an encouragement to us. They have been our own personal cheerleaders in all of our endeavors. They are such a huge support to us. They live out their faith on a daily basis. I don’t ever want to take them for granted.

6. I love sitting in the afternoon sun, just watching my kids laugh and play.

7. I have always had “big plans” and yet have difficulty actually following through. I dislike that about myself.

8. I would love to adopt again. I can hardly stand the thought of all of those little children, all over the world, living each day without a mother and a father, without a place to call home.

9. I absolutely and wholeheartedly love my husband. He is my best friend. We met when I was 18 and he was 19. He says he fell instantly in love. I fell instantly in “like”. Of course, the love part came soon after! He is such a kind hearted person. I loved that about him from the moment we became friends. He also made me laugh harder than anyone I had ever met. And, you know, I love me some gut wrenching, belly shaking laughter. I’m still laughing to this day.

10. I’m a home-schooling mom to one of my children. I wish I had warm fuzzy home- schooling stories to share. You know, the ones where we are all cuddled up on the couch, reading about some far away land. And I guess, if I really thought about it, there would be a few shining moments. But, I ain‘t gonna lie. Right now, it‘s hard. I feel like I have hit a brick wall. I want to love being a teacher to my son, I really do. But it has always been difficult for me. This is an area that I have surrendered to the Lord. C-boy has never been the “studious” type. I pray that I will be able to “draw him in” to learning. But at this moment in time, I’m tired. And that’s just being honest!

There…I tried to keep the funny, and the sarcasm to a minimum. And it was painful.
If you’ve fallen asleep during reading this, "Nighty night, sleep tight!" If you haven’t, I thank you.

I am passing this award along to a few honest blogs.
Do with it what you will.
Our Daze In the Desert
A belle, a bean, and a chicago dog.
Wemmicks in training.
Life with Jack.
Live, Learn, Love Together
3 Little Monkeys


Carrie said...

I have to say, I read every word, and I enjoyed getting to know you more!!! I saw a serious Julie, and I liked her, too!! ;)

So glad we've met through blogging!! Thanks so much for the award! I'll start thinking about my list!!

Sassy Salsa girl said...

Oh my heavens, good luck with the homeschooling!

liz said...

Oh my goodness! Thank you my darling Julie! I LOVE honesty!

Congratulations to you! I knew it was only a matter of time before awards starting pouring in. You are just too good!

Hmmm...now I need to think about a list.

{chirp, chirp, chirp}


Shannon K. said...

In reading this...I just find more and more that you and I have in common. Like Elton John! Love love love love him!! Remind me to tell you something about him later.

And wanting a simpler life, me too. Oh, me too.

And having big ambition, but no gumption...totally me. Or at least, I have gumption...just not enough to see me through to the end. Like this travel journal I have been meaning to hand craft for my brother before he heads off to Europe. I have had over a year to get it done...not even started.

Anonymous said...

It was great reading up on all these things about you! Very cool to learn a little more about you! :O)

Seizing My Day said...

I totally need NEED to meet you in person one day! I love love love Elton John! grew up with Elton and Phil Collins!! do you love Phil too?! =) ahem! and I home school one... my little man with special needs... he is smart and witty... but special needs get in his way... I am tired... worn out... and tied to him... but I know it is the path God has for us! It is the best thing to do... but it is hard! and never mind my boy looks like he could be cousins with yours!! =) and Starbucks... yea... love it! Can we meet one day?!~ I just got this award... will post honest crap about myself this week... maybe tomorrow?!~ =)

Sonora said...

Congratulations on your award! I love the honest things about you. I love Elton John too. As soon as I saw Sad Songs Say So Much, I started singing it in my head. That is a great song!

TheFitHousewife said...

What a great post! Love your honesty. It sounds like you are leading a wonderful life for your family!

I also met my hubby at 18, he was 19. He makes me laugh all the time which I love.

Lindsay said...

I love hearing about loving your husband so much. I feel the same way.

I met mine in high school but we didn't start dating till after we graduated.

He always something more but I didn't till a couple years down the road and now think "how could I have been that stupid?"

Now I cant think of life without him!

Cleo said...

First things first: CONGRATS on the award, Julie!!!! WHOO HOOO!!!!!!

Am LMBO @ #1!!! Unfortunately, at least in this one "unfortunately", I can relate at times.

Have only been to a handful of concerts: most while in College. Elton John was one of them...MAN CAN HE PUT ON A SHOW!!! Am with you as well on the Praise & Worship music: nothing makes my soul sing...clears my head like a little Phillips, Craig & Dean...or my fave, "Amazing Grace" on the bagpipes. Have an aunt that can play the pipes...stirs the soul. BTW, am an old hymn junkie: just so ya know. ;)

Admire the tar out of you and D-man for #3...where we're at now could be considered :out there"...but we still get wrapped up in activities...and the allure of our AWESOME Goodwill down the road is sometimes tooooo much to bear! I justify it by saying, "Hey, it's Goodwill! At least I'm spending frugally!" We're considering moving a little further out.

#7 is my husband! Gotta love you guys! :)

#9 In a world where the divorce rate has climbed to 60% (meaning one is more likely to end up divorcing then remaining married), it's refreshing and fills one with hope to hear yours and D-man's mutual love.

#10 Hang in there Dear. If the Lord brings you to it, he'll bring you through it. Remember, He's your rock. I have a BA in Elementary Ed. Teaching is TOUGH. Did I mention it's TOUGH? NOT for the faint-hearted. If I can be of ANY assistance, including a cyber-shoulder to lean on, let me know.

Ahhhh! I just see you picked me as one for the award as well!!!!! AWESOME!!!! Praise God He's helping me come across EXACTLY how I know he wants me to: honest! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :):):)

Joey Lynn Resciniti said...

I love Elton John too - so many great lyrics.

Laura said...

Number 1 made me laugh and I love number 3, I would love to simplify our lives too! You and your husband sound perfect for each other.

Bossy Betty said...

I ordered "The Farmer's Wife" on Netflix and was totally blown away by it!!

He & Me + 3 said...

Congrats on your award. I loved your honesty. You sound alot like me. I have big dreams to and these great ideas but no follow through. I hate it too. Because I know that I could do it if I really tried or found the time. I adore music too. I love your decision making ability. LOL

Rebekah said...

You did good, considering you don't 'do' honest about yourself!
I like Reading more about you. My hubby was 18 to :0)
I also liked the post about the camper van, where you would be hiding when people were invited to honk! Lol

Heidi said...

Loved getting to know you better Julie! AND thanks for passing on the honest award to me...but sheesh thinking of 10 things about myself makes my head hurt! Not that I cant find 10 honest things to write about, but how honest I actually want to get! Afterall I dont want to lose the few followers I have! Ill have to give it some good thought today.

OH and Im a secret Elton John fan too (why is it so secret I wonder)

Hugs, Heidi & Jack.

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