S-girl's bedtime prayer always starts with,
"Dear Jesus, sanks (thanks) that I was born in China and sanks for my China mommy and for her protectin' me and sanks for Daddy and Mommy fudopting (adopting) me...."
I love how she adds the f to adopting.
Not sure where she came up with it, but I love it.

What a darling girl! I'm so thankful that I got to watch her get fudopted! I wish Maya would say she's thankful she was born in China. A few months ago we were reading a storybook and Maya pointed to the pregnant Mommy mouse in the story and she said sadly, "I was never in a tummy." I reminded her that she was in her China Mommy's tummy. Her little lip quivered and she said, "But WHAT China Mommy tummy? I don't know her." It about broke my heart. And then she said, "I don't like that tummy. I wanted to be in your tummy." Poor girl. Talking about China almost always makes her cry.
This leaves me with tears in my eyes. She is precious.
Tears! - So precious. x
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