In one totally trippendicular move, J-boy collides with the very sickly apple tree.
Between the deer and the children, I'm afraid that this poor apple tree will never experience it's full potential.
In fact, I think it's time to say our goodbyes now.

Can you spy the backseat driver?

Yep, these two are a dangerous duo.

Speaking of dangerous... my photo taking abilities in snow.

Here's the "Mac Daddy" tearing up our hill.

He pretty much rocks I tell ya.
He's out there, in the balmy 10 degree air, having a grand old time.
Yes, I happen to be standing on our back deck.
It was necessary for me to stay inside and "tend the fire" and prepare the hot chocolate.
Only so that the children would be toasty warm upon re-entry.

This little peanut refuses to be left behind.
Have I mentioned he's 2 going on 8!!
Phrases like "That's Awesoooome", "Suh-weet" and "Oh Yeah, Baby" are some of his favorites.
His kindly, and not overly cautious father even allowed him to try S-girl's snowboard at one point.
I cringed and covered my eyes.
He's getting way too big for his britches.

And look who else is getting way to big for her britches!
Make it stop...please!!