Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Before and After...My Ballerina continued

Last week I shared a picture of my tiny ballerina's slippered feet.
And while they are deliciously cute...
I felt like I needed to present the other half this week.
The half that makes my heart sing.
The little girl with the face of an angel.
No bias here! wink wink

Here is the before.
Have I mentioned I can rarely delete a picture of my little girl.
She is so photogenic.
She rarely takes a bad picture.
And so they pile up on my hard drive.
I think we're up to 324,177.
My fingers are physically unable to press the delete button.
Is there a cure for that?
summer vintage before

And here is the tiny ballerina after a little tweaking.
While I'm not happy about losing detail in her dress...
the results made my heart flutter.
And I was not in the mood to apply layer masks and paint.
So I clicked flatten and save and that's all she wrote.
summer vintage after

For more before and after picture fun, visit Monica at Pixel Perfect.

***This was edited in Photoshop Elements.
1. I ran Coffeeshop Baby Powder Room action and adjusted to taste.
2. Then I added a duplicate layer and switched blending mode to overlay with opacity of 100%
3. Added another duplicate layer and set blending mode to screen at 50%
4..Yes I'm crazy..but then I added another duplicate layer and switched the blending mode to multiply at 30%...Why, you ask??  Because I just can't's an illness.
5. Then I ran Nelly Nero's Vintage Summer action and adjusted to taste.
6.  Finally I ran an unsharp mask.
7. The end 


Love Letters To China said...

I agree with you... I have a very hard time deleting photos of my little cuties too. Love this picture! You really have a way with post-processing. I'm slowly getting into CS4. I really like using LR2 right now. It's quicker and easier until I figure out what the heck I'm doing in PS. ;-)

Jb said...

No cure! Sorry!

Carrie said...

I can see why you have that problem (lol) ... she is beautiful! ;)

Anonymous said...

She is some kind of beautiful! Love her pretty lashes!
I hate that delete button myself! And I'm noticing today that my sorta newish external hard drive is getting sorta fullish. I must start doing more deleting.
Our kids are going to have well documented childhoods!
I'm going to check out that action you used. Not familiar with Nelly.

Heather said...

Gorgeous and sweet photo and the edit just makes it more so!

Anonymous said...

Love the colors on the second picture! Actually, I have the opposite problem...I delete, delete, delete and then have "deleter's remorse" afterwards :o/

Courtney said...

She's gorgeous! Great edit!

Melis said...

*sigh* LOVELY.

Eileen said...

She's so gorgeous! I was telling Lyle last night how someone at the store asked me if Maya was from Guatemala and Lyle wondered if I had trouble not laughing in their face because she's so OBVIOUSLY Chinese. Or at least so obviously ASIAN. Hello!

Anyway, somehow that conversation morphed into how we could maybe see how someone might mistake S-Girl for an ethnicity other than Chinese. I guess as Americans, when we think of the Chinese "look", we only think of the classical Chinese features. I'm sure the people of southern China would peg S-girl in a heartbeat as one of their own, but isn't it interesting to see the different looks coming from one city in China? I've seen several Guiping girls who I think look like Maya and do you remember the baby at the orphanage that looked so much like S-girl? I'm curious, did Lily think S-girl was Han?

Anyway, whether she's Han or Zhuang or Miao or a combination of all three, she's simply stunning!

And you delete with your thumb? Really? I'm all index finger. My thumb can only handle the space bar.

Mrs. Chapman's 2nd Grade Class said...

Beautiful! I hope to someday be as good at using actions as you are!

Liz Mays said...

She's just precious!

Bethany said...

Your pictures should be blown up and put in a gallery! Love it! I can tell that when I finally get the goods, (a decent camera and editing software), I'm going to have a lot to learn. You may find yourself giving me tutorials, like it or not.

alicia said...

Very sweet photo. You are right- she's a doll. And if it makes you feel any better, I have that "unable to delete" sickness too. I have like 3 external hard drives now. Sick I tell ya.

Snapshotsofhappiness said...

I love this. She has such lovely eye lashes! The edit makes her skin look so creamy and soft. Lovely simply lovely!

Dana said...

amazing! She is and so is the amount of skill you have in ps. Nicely done!

LKP said...

what an angelic ballerina. reminds me of my own, though now she thinks she too grown-up for tutus & ballet slippers....kinda sad. still not sure how i feel about her turning 13. i miss her little delicate ballerina days! =)
squeeze yours. she'll grow up too quickly!

Unknown said...

She is just so beautiful. What a treasured princess.

laney said...

So beautiful! You always do a wonderful job with your pictures.

Screwed Up Texan said...

I love the rounded corners and I too have a hard time telling myself to stop editing...just too many artistic renderings to give a photo! I think it is just the lighting or the way your little girl's hair parts, but there's almost a glimmer of a flare at the top right hand corner (if not, would be cool if there was!)

Stroup Family said...

I save all my photos too. I actually have tons of full memory cards that I save. I never want to delete photos, even off my cards, so I just buy new memory cards... if you find a cure, let me know :)
Your picture is gorgeous! I really want to develop some photography skills. What camera do you use?

TheFitHousewife said...

No wonder you can't delete any of her pictures...she is gorgeous! Beautiful picture, Julie! So sweet.

A said...

She's so pretty and looks so girly-girl in this picture. As always I LOVE your edits. Great job!

beingzaraandzidan said...

oo thats lovely> great edit
I have joined in too
plz do visit

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Beautiful photos. Beautiful daughter

Tara said...

just lovely...precious picture...

Pixel Perfect said...

This is beautiful!!

Hannah said...

She is stunning. I would have trouble deleting anything with her in it too!

Love the processing, it feels so ethereal.

Feris said...

Love your picure and your edit is amazing!

Stacey said...

Beautiful! There's no cure that I know of! I have the same problem and now that I have a nice camera it's ten times worse!

Liz said...

I can totally understand why you don't want to hit delete! Now I'm wondering if it's a tad easier to delete some of the boys' photos??? :)

He & Me + 3 said...

Oh my gorgeous girly. She is so beautiful. Stunning edit too.

The Free 4 All Friday giveaway is up now...come by for a chance to win a gift card.

Leanne said...

Absolutely beautiful photo . . . before and after (must be the subject, huh?) You are so talented, and you daughter . . . yes, an angel!

Seizing My Day said...

your photo days make me want Photoshop!! sniff... sob ... sob! =) I have a hard time deleting too! I need to one day just sit down and make photo books... before my hard drive crashes and they are deleted for me!! =) Have you ever done those? I hope to do a few this summer for the first time!

Alexandra said...

Oh my garsh...just heartbreakingly gorgeous.

Shannon K. said...

She's like a little princess. Oh, and I have the same trouble with not being able to delete pictures. Unfortunately, about two thirds are not even worth saving.

Kari said...

I love before and afters and this one is very cool. Love the color!

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