Wednesday, April 14, 2010

You Know you're a mom when....

The lovely Arizona Mamma over at Daze in the Desert came up with this great idea for a blog hop. It's called...
You Know You're a Mom When-sDaze.
In her words she writes, "As parents, we constantly find ourselves saying things that we just can't quite believe came out of our mouths, or misting up over a few scribbles on a page, or finding ourselves in situations that could only be the result of having offspring. So today I present "You know you're a mom (or dad) When-sDAZE."
I thought it was such a great idea and couldn't wait to join.

I think the following photos should be preceded with a disclaimer.
Due to their nature, I hesitated whether it was wise to post them at all.
These are not for the faint of heart.
Or the "queasy of stomach"!
Of course, I am only thinking of prospective parents.
I have your best interest at heart.
I in NO way want to be the deterrent to being fruitful and multiplying.
Let it not be so.
This unfortunate event happened back in 2006.
The shock and horror of it has faded some.
I feel as if I am finally ready to talk about it.

You Know You're A Mom WHEN..........................................

You have the unfortunate mishap of stumbling upon THIS in your bathroom.

No matter how hard you try, you are unable to make sense of the situation.

Nothing you have experienced in your life could've prepared you for this moment.

Due to the sheer magnitude of the situation,
You desperately search for an explanation.

And then reality strikes.
There is absolutely NO way to explain what your eyes have witnessed.
And so your shoulders sag.
You search for a clean piece of floor to lie down on.
And then you assume the fetal position. 
You are quite sure that there is a real possiblilty that you may not ever recover from this. 
And if you do, you will never be the same.

And would you believe, that all of that chaos and destruction was executed by this little cherub?

You better believe it!!!

Yep...and that was how I knew I was a mom, on that particular day in history.
It is my fervent prayer that I never have to re-live that bit of history again.

For the sake of my dear son, I feel I must give a small explanation.  Contrary to my initial belief, this was not contrived or purposefully done.  Apparently, a little "toot" gave C-boy a lot more than he had bargained for.  However, he was unaware of the sheer magnitude of the situation until he entered the bathroom. Well, the shock of the "pile" in his drawers sent him into a bit of a panic.  In order to be free of the stinky dilemma he tried to kick off his underwear. He didn't want to get his hands anywhere near the situation. That made sense to his 4 year old mind. However, his britches did not become free instantaneously.  So he continued to kick (and possibly flail) until he was free of them.  To this day, I am still unable to wrap my mind around the amount of flailing that must have taken place.  But to find "residual" on the top of the door frame in the closet next to the bathroom, leads me to believe there was some serious thrashing that took place.  If only I could have been a fly on the wall! On second thought, I'm thankful that I wasn't.  Considering what I found on the wall!

Pop on over to Our Daze in the Desert for more....if you dare!


Rebekah said...

Ha Ha Ha- the photos were timed brilliantly!
I was like, "Yer, we've had poo in pants," but then I saw it flicked on the carpet, clothes, wall!!! and I was shocked!
The thought in mind "How the heck did it?!!"

I shall have to dig out some of our 'events'

Courtney said...

Oh my.... LOL!

GinaChick said...

I am utterly speechless. There truly are no words .....

Victoria said...

No way - that is too funny!! Sort of - lol. I would have liked to have been a fly on the wall!!!

Precious 3 said...

Oh my goodness! You have me laughing and at the same time thankful that I haven't eaten breakfast yet! Whew!

Steph said...


I had to scroll fast as my pregnant self can only stomach so much. :)

BUT I am cracking up that you took pictures!!! I love it!!


Happy Wednesday, Julie!


Carrie said...

All I have to say is ...


Oh, and at least he's cute! ;)

Eileen said...


Mama (Heidi) said...

Stopping by from Arizona Mamma's I'll admit I was a little grossed out by the pictures but the description afterwards is so relatable to my son he would do the same thing if the same oppurtunity presents itself.

Tanya said...

OMG....HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I'm so sorry...I think I would've been too paralyzed to even cry in that situation...and knowing me that would've been while my husband was out to sea. Big Puppy did that while in his crate and somehow laid in it and then shook all around...when the hubs was out to sea. I love feces and being the one to clean it up.

Poor C-boy, that must have been a pretty traumatic "shart". Poor Mom for discovering it and having to take care of the aftermath!

Bossy Betty said...

Oh yeah...You're a Mom! Yikes!

Carrie said...

I think this time, when I pulled up your page, I might have smelled the pictures!! LOL!!! ;)

You don't have to post this! I just wanted to see if the email thing is working!

Shannon K. said...

This kills me! I seriously have an ache in my side I am laughing so hard. I can't say what on earth I would have done!!! How hilarious is it that our themes match today???

So happy that I could count on you to play along.

P.S. I linked you up...hope you don't mind.

*Jess* said...

I am dying! Just dying laughing over here! I am sorry, I know its not funny. Or, maybe enough time is passed that you can laugh about it now. But yep... that's definitely one for the "Now I'm a mom" hall of fame!

Brianne said...


Okay, how the CRAP did, er, CRAP get flown about like that?! LMAO

Okay, so your pics are um, gross, but OMG so necessary, and your description is the best. Honestly! lol

"You search for a clean piece of floor to lie down on.
And then you assume the fetal position."

OMG You crack me up. Poor you! I couldn't imagine having to clean that up. lol

liz said...


And you grabbed a camera?!?!?!?!?

This is seriously the funniest thing I've seen in probably 10 years. This is unreal!!

Rana said...

Oh my goodness. LOL! This looks like a page out of my life and times. Nice to know I'm not alone. Somebody's got a great throwing arm.

Joy Taylor said...

That is awesome! Too funny!!! Great to get out on first date night! I mean that shit was everywhere!! lol!

sheila said...

LOL! OMG! How did it get way up there? TOo funny! Great post! I needed a good laugh today!

Jenn said...

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't stop laughing!!!!!!!!!! I'm crying!!!!!!!! That is the funniest stinkin' thing I've read or seen in a long time. It's so... nice to know that other people have gone through some of the same things I've been through. Well... maybe not identical but oh so close. Hah! Glad you shared!
Jenn :)

Tracy said...

I read this earlier this morning, but didn't have time to comment with the kids. They are now napping and I think this is without a doubt the funniest post I've ever seen.... OMGosh!!!! I think I'm gonna have to link to it on my blog and share it with my friends. God bless you!!!!!! Still laughing in disbelief!!!

Nat's said...

I am going to wet myself....
That is so funny!!!

Bet the clean up wasn't so funny, though!

Julie after that you can wear the "I am a mommy" badge with deserve it!

Stacey said...

So very gross!!! Holy cow! I'm sitting her laughing, but I know in the moment I would have been loudly exclaiming how very gross it was! Oy! The joys of motherhood are many, aren't they?

Sonora said...

OH MY GOSH!!! LOL!!! That is a pretty memorable moment. I hope to avoid anything that exciting. I love the explanation. I can totally see how a four year old would do that. So funny! I can't even imagine how long and how gross that was to clean up. What would we do without them?!

Shannon said...

Oh my goodness! I've never seen ANYthing like that before...bless your sweet little heart, what a mess! Poor guy, that surprise in his undies must have scared him into quite a tizzy! How long did that take to clean up and more importantly recover from? Hoping you're having a wonderful and poop free Wednesday!

TheFitHousewife said...

Oh my! I gasped when I saw it on your clothes! Wow.

My oldest son also did this when he was 2 1/2. When he was supposed to be napping in his room, he took off his diaper and smeared his poop all over his room. It was in every corner. I think I aged a few years that day. But......he did it again, not once, but 3 more times! Looking back, I should have taken a pitcure but I wouldn't have been able to see through all of my tears! At least I can laugh at it now.

jamie.louise said...

HAHA!!!I literally was SCREAMING at each picture! Even my husband was like "No. WAY.!" hahaha!!!! That takes the cake!!!!!! I'm so sharing this post with some of my non-blogging mommies...

Jenny said...

So we all laughed our heads off at work today...i had forgotten about that blessed incident. There has never been a dull day with C-boy!!!! I just love it!!!!!!!!!!

He & Me + 3 said...

Fetal position...I would have bought a new house. LOL I kid. That has so happened over here...but the poo did not get as high as the door frame. You definitely get the prize. You are so right though...being a mother brings some of the craziest situations around. But in time they make great stories....or blog posts. :)

Cleo said...

Hubby and I have this agreement: he handles vomit and boogers, I do the poop. If he had walked in on this, you can count on him throwing his vomit right in there with it! YUCK! prob could have done without knowing that! ;)
LOVED the little green arrows: thanks so much for helping us find it! ;)

Stylist A said...

oh man... I think you have just sucked me in. I can't help but say yuck but I know it is just one of the things that will probably happen to me in the future. I found your blog while hoping around and I am here to stay. Say hello to you new follower :)

Not too shabby said...

I love that your first instinct was to grab the camera! A true blogging mom :) After seeing those pictures, for a brief moment, my life seemed so simple ;) Have a great day!

Laura said...

AHHHHH, no way! How is that even possible...ABOVE the door!? I am with you, I would have been in the fetal position after that one!

Sandra Burns said...

oh wow . . . just . . . wow.

I came over from Three Peas and a Bean, she linked you up. I might have to check your blog out again after this.

Love, love, love REAL life, no filter, no fluff just the real stuff. Thanks for sharing!

Heidi said...

YIKES! too funny, but all I could think about was you quickly grabbing your camera! lol. At least I know Im not the only one!

~aj~ said...

I am completely disgusted and yet that just gave me the biggest laugh I've had in a while. :) Thank you!

Anonymous said...

This is a hoot! I love that you took pictures! I am rolling! So funny!
I had one that finger-painted his crib and wall behind his crib with a palate made from a diaper! This all happened as a painter was giving us an estimate. She stood in the hall and talked to us as we went about the dirty business of cleaning it up. We wondered if she was mentally stable. Why would you not run quickly and with purpose? That made us scratch our heads more than our budding artist's newest master piece!

Renee said...

Oh my word! I am seriously LAUGHING OUT LOUD! I'm so glad you shared this, I so needed a giggle tonight. However, I am also very sorry that you had to find this. I can only imagine what I would have done...

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